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Negative Cash Flow Quiz

Which of the following involves a movement of cash?

Which one of the following events will INCREASE the cash balances of a business?

Which one of the following events will REDUCE the cash balances of a business?

Which one of the following is FALSE?

A company with healthy profits is facing a cash shortage. Which of the following events could account for this?

Which one of the following companies is MOST likely to run into cash flow problems?

What is the immediate effect of making a rights share issue?  
On profitOn cash

What is the immediate effect of making a capital repayment on a loan on cash flow and profits? 
On profitOn cash

A business may incur an operating loss in a given financial year yet have more cash in the bank at the end. A reason for this could be that:

A company has a negative cash flow from operating activities. What could explain this negative cash flow?