T:1 R:0%
this quiz will tell how good your results will be and if not what should you do :)
T:9 R:25%
by Mohamed Diab
T:7 R:93%
T:5 R:40%
This quiz takes only 10 minutes and will help you believe in yourself
T:11 R:0%
T:271 R:23%
This quiz demonstrates Quizific features that simplify making math quizzes and surveys. Quizific accepts LaTeX math notation and allows you to present complex math formulae of almost any complexity.
T:46 R:36%
This little quiz will show you what quizific can do for you and competition just can't
T:29 R:34%
T:29 R:47%
How many types of pasta do you know?
T:58 R:66%
Verify what you remember about geography from school.
T:56 R:51%
Do you know the US National Anthem good enough to pass this quiz with flying colors?
T:18 R:69%
T:36254 R:6%
T:33042 R:8%
T:30524 R:7%
T:29433 R:9%
T:22640 R:11%
T:19598 R:7%
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P:376348 B:4 C:5 A:8 R:74%
P:368244 B:3 C:2 A:0 R:0%
P:321674 B:3 C:14 A:0 R:0%
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P:295272 B:3 C:0 A:0 R:0%