A woman should continue to use contraceptives after her last period to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Only if the diet contains meat can we be assured that the diet includes all the essential amino acids.
The most frequent cause of chronic bronchitis is a strep infection.
In an average human being blood accounts for 7-8% of body weight.
Long term effects of alcohol include liver disease (cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatitis), heart disease, and inflammation of the stomach.
All major organs form during embryonic development.
Since standard chemotherapy works so well, there is no need to develop new methods of therapy for cancer.
Encephalitis is a disease caused by viruses that can be contracted by an infected mosquito.
The sternum is a part of the pelvis girdle.
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.
Planophrasia is a flight of ideas, such as is observed in manic-depressive psychoses.
Necromania is a morbid attraction to graves and cemetaries.
Dromomania is an abnormal impulse to travel.
Dipsomania is sexual excitement aroused by whipping.
Mixoscopia is the mental condition of the individual in the modern state -one who is concerned with material products, is overly hygienic, is anxious, and whose libido is withdrawn from his/her family group.
Paraminia is a disorder in which gestures fail to express the underlying feelings.
�Claustrophilia is a fear of closed spaces.
Coprolalia is an obsessive use of obsene words.
Pseudesthesia is a false or illusory sensation, such as the illusion of irritation in an amputated limb.