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Design Test Cases Quiz

Which of the following are characteristics of testable software ?

With thorough testing it is possible to remove all defects from a program prior to delivery to the customer.

The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called

The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is called

What types of errors are missed by black-box testing and can be uncovered by white-box testing ?

Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.

The cyclomatic complexity metric provides the designer with information regarding the number of

Condition testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they

The cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a PDL representation of an algorithm without drawing a program flow grap

Data flow testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they