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Factories Act Quiz

A half yearly return for every half of every calendar year , in duplicate in Form -------- so as to reach the inspector of factories on or before ------------- of the year

An accident report, shall be confirmed by the manager by sending a separate report in form no ---------- with details of number of person killed or injured to i) Inspector of Factories within -----------hours of the accident .

The particulars of the accident should be entered in separate registers kept as- Accident Book- Form No for ESI office .

Section-------- of the Factories Act describes about the rights of the workers

The occupier shall be punishable with imprisonment extend to -------- months or fine ---------or both for using false certificate of fitness.

Every worker shall have the right to obtain information relating to workers’ health and safety work at work.

The occupier fails to take remedial actions against apprehension of imminent danger to lives or health of the workers ( 41H), shall liable for punishment which may extend to an imprisonment, upto 7 years, fine upto Rupees 2 lacs or both.

In case of employee covered under the ESI, the accident report shall be sent in Form No --------- to Local office of the ESI to which the company attached

Under the Factories Act 1948, a register of Adult workers shall be maintained in Form No-----

Under the Factories Act 1948, a register of Muster roll shall be maintained in Form No. ----------