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Lt T Gt Quiz

Which one of the following classes are present System.Collections.Generic namespace?
  1. Stack
  2. Tree
  3. SortedDictionary
  4. SortedArray

For the code snippet shown below, which of the following statements are valid? GenericTMyProgrampublic class Generic<T>{public T Field;public void TestSub(){T i = Field + 1;}}class MyProgram{static void Main(string[] args){Generic<int> gen = new Generic<int>();gen.TestSub();}}

Which of the following statements are valid about generics in .NET Framework?
  1. Generics is a language feature.
  2. We can create a generic class, however, we cannot create a generic interface in C#.NET.
  3. Generics delegates are not allowed in C#.NET.
  4. Generics are useful in collection classes in .NET framework.
  5. None of the above

Which of the following statements is valid about generic procedures in C#.NET?

For the code snippet shown below, which of the following statements are valid? TestIndiaBixMyProgrampublic class TestIndiaBix{public void TestSub<M> (M arg){Console.Write(arg);}}class MyProgram{static void Main(string[] args){TestIndiaBix bix = new TestIndiaBix();bix.TestSub("IndiaBIX ");bix.TestSub(4.2f);}}

For the code snippet given below, which of the following statements is valid? GenericTProgrampublic class Generic<T>{public T Field;}class Program{static void Main(string[ ] args){Generic<String> g = new Generic<String>();g.Field = "Hello";Console.WriteLine(g.Field);}}

For the code snippet given below, which of the following statements are valid? public class MyContainer<T> where T: IComparabte{// Insert code here}  
  1. Class MyContainer requires that it's type argument must implement IComparabte interface.
  2. Type argument of class MyContainer must be IComparabte.
  3. Compiler will report an error for this block of code.
  4. This requirement on type argument is called as constraint.

For the code snippet given below, which of the following statements are valid? public class MyContainer<T> where T: class, IComparable{//Insert code here} 
  1. Class MyContainer requires that it's type argument must implement IComparable interface.
  2. Compiler will report an error for this block of code.
  3. There are multiple constraints on type argument to MyContainer class.
  4. Class MyContainer requires that its type argument must be a reference type and it must implement IComparable interface.

Which of the following statements is valid about advantages of generics?