You have moved your site to a new domain name. For users and search engines, the preferred way to permanently redirect traffic is:
Your server is going to be moved and unavailable for a day. What should you do?
Your website is not in the index 5 days after you’ve put it online; what should you do?
Your homepage has 287 errors in the W3C validator. What is the maximum number of URLs that Google could index from your site?
You bought multiple domain names and want them to all show the same website. What should you do with them?
192 PDF files from your /private-files/ folder have gotten indexed and you need to remove them from Google’s search results. What’s the fastest way to do this?
You need to prevent Google from indexing any content in the new folder /private-files/. What’s the best way to do this?
Your site changed all URLs from .php to .asp, what do you need to do?
You have a country-coded domain name called To associate your site with Spain, you need to:
You have some pages completely in Spanish and others completely in English. How would you tell Google about this?