A very large firm has a debt beta of zero. If the cost of equity is 11% and the risk-free rate is 5%, the cost of debt is:
When a project is not a perpetuity, what bias (if any) results from using the MM formula?
The value of a project to a levered firm is equal to the unlevered firm project value plus the:
When calculating the WACC for a firm, one should use the book values of debt and equity.
Discounting at the WACC assumes that debt is rebalanced every period to maintain a constant ratio of debt to market value of the firm.
A firm is financed with 30% risk-free debt and 70% equity. The risk-free rate is 5%, the firm's cost of equity capital is 15%, and the firm's marginal tax rate is 35%. What is the firm's weighted average cost of capital?
The CR Corp. maintains a debt-equity ratio of 0.5. The cost of equity for CR Corp. is 15% and the after-tax cost of debt is 9%. What is the after-tax weighted average cost of capital?
Which of the following instruments has a tax impact in determining the firm's cost of capital?
A very large firm has a debt beta of zero. If the cost of equity is 11% and the risk-free rate is 5%, the cost of debt is:
The present value of free cash flow is $4 million and the present value of the horizon value is $20 million. Calculate the present value of the business.