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Server Response Code Quiz

Which of the following is NOT a "best practice" for creating high quality title tags?

Danny Sullivan is best known (in the field of web search) as:

A page on your site that serves as a "sitemap," linking to other pages on your domain in an organized, list format, is important because...

What is the advantage of putting all of your important keywords in the Meta Keywords tag?

Which HTTP server response code indicates a page that has been temporarily relocated and links to the old location will not pass influence to the new location?

Which HTTP server response code indicates a file that no longer exists? (File Not Found)

If you have a site that is targeted at a particular country only, which one of the following are not recommendable to do in order to rank well in country specific search results? Check all that apply.

If you update your sites URL structure to create new versions of your pages, what should you do with the old URLs?

Which one of the following practice is ethical ?

Which HTTP server response code indicates a page that has been permanently relocated and all links to the old page will pass their influence to the new page location