Which of the following is (are) a valid XML name(s)?
DOM 2 doesn't provide mechanism for interrogating and modifying the namespace for a document.
The DOM specification describes how strings are to be manipulated by the DOM by defining the datatype _______. It is encoded using _______ encoding scheme.
An MNC receives at its headquarter from its subsidiaries, XML documents containing various reports of that subsidiary. These reports need to be displayed to the person responsible at the headquarter for that subsidiary in a user-friendly manner (allowing searches through the document) and the person is allowed to make any changes/comments that he/she desires. Once the user is done with all the changes/comments the information needs to be fed into the central database. Which of the following is MOST appropriate for processing these XML documents?
Which of the following is an XML-based service IDL that defines the service interface and its implementation characteristics.
Which statement about XML is true?
What is the correct declaration syntax for the version of XML document?
How is an empty element field defined?
XML document must be valid?
Every XML document must be well formed
Every XML document must have an associated DTD or schema
XML preserves white spaces
For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct?
What is a correct way of referring to a stylesheet called "style.xsl"?
Which is not a correct name for an XML element?
What does DTD stand for?
What makes XML more powerful than HTML?
Unlike most other markup languages, including HTML, XML allows you to do what?
In what year did the World Wide Web Consortium release its draft of XML?
What organization presented the first version of Starndardized Generalized Markup Language (SGML) in 1980?